May Your Planets Align for Mercury Bay Art Weekends

Posted by Sally Grey on

Wendy featured in NZ Herald article May Your Planets Align For Mercury Bay Art Weekends

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"The artists include Wendy Walls, whose studio is in the converted garage of a historic character cottage. A sign reads "Life is art, paint your dreams", which is — more or less — what the former schoolteacher and interior designer does.

She specialises in mixed media art, painting all manner of things to capture abstract and realistic — but usually brightly-coloured — concepts. Walls helps others to do the same, running courses and classes.

"There are so many people who would have been good at art at school but have done nothing with it," she says. "My classes let beginners have a go and conquer any fears they might have, plus there are more experienced artists who come to get new ideas and inspiration."

Walls says the art escape weekends are a good time to show your own work but also to encourage others to think more about their own creativity and ways to express it."


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